Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lifelock- The Truth Behind The New LifeLock Identity Theft Service

Lifelock is probably the only identity theft protection agency in the United States that is being covered by the media - mentioned in over 250 news stories featured in The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Wired, CBS Early Show and ABC News Now, among others.

It's not just because CEO Todd Davis broadcasts his social security number in advertisements vis a vis the fact that CEOs of similar companies have refused to do the same when requested by the media. It's also because LifeLock has been very successful in providing protection to its clients, and reducing pre-approved credit cards in their mail.

Businesses too have experienced similar success with LifeLock in terms of protecting the identities of its employees.

When Davis decided to broadcast his social security number, he was very confident that no identity thief could ever steal from him because of LifeLock.


Here's how it works:

Upon enrollment, a client will be asked to set off the fraud alerts in his credit reports with the Credit Bureau Agencies - Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

With the fraud alerts in place, credit card companies and the like will be required to call a client before approving a credit card application, sending out pre-approved cards in the mail, or increasing a client's credit limit. The fraud alerts actually warn the credit card companies that a thief might be using the identity of the client, and thus, they must verify the identity of the client.

LifeLock affirms that when the fraud alerts are in place, LifeLock will then review the credit reports of the client every 90 days. If there is an entry that the client does not know, LifeLock will then contest a fraudulent entry on the client's behalf.

Part of the company's services, LifeLock will mitigate problematic credit situations on the client's behalf by talking to creditors, filing the necessary paperwork with the credit bureaus, and filing police reports.

Although this process of reviewing and contesting credit reports can be done by the client himself for free, the process is tedious and time-consuming, and it will take time for someone to catch up with changes in the procedures of the credit bureau agencies.

Here's why other service providers are a little taken back by LifeLock...

If a client loses money to identity thieves while being a client of LifeLock, then the company will guarantee to pay the losses for up to $1 million. LifeLock review reiterates that the cost for Lifelock's service which is $110 annually for adults and $25 annually for children under 16 with an adult enrolment is meager compared to the benefits the clients derive from membership with them.

As great as this sounds to the consumer, it has some identity theft service providers up in arms, scrambling to come up with a comparable offer in some way.

LifeLock is the only company in the identity theft protection industry to be ISO 27001 certified for data and operational security.

The company regularly conducts background checks on all its employees. Random drug testing is part of this drill. All of Lifelock's facilities are built with the latest biometric security access, complete with state-of-the-art surveillance and alarm systems. Lifelock also affirms the fact that the firm does not store client data onsite, only secure data centers has them.


It will take about 120 hours (spent within a two year period) before any one recovers from a damaged reputation. For a company that has been victimized, it will take around 170 hours (over the same period) to repair the credit reputation of each employee.

As a consumer, the sheer waste of time caused by identity theft is enough to take a closer look at various services. Just be sure to look for rock-solid guarantees and clear explanations of value for whatever you decide to use.

Protect Yourself From Identity Theft - A Review of LifeLock

Identity theft encompasses the news on an almost daily basis. Should you be scared? Yes, absolutely. Identity theft can ruin your credit rating for years, which impacts your ability to purchase an automobile, a house or even get a credit card. LifeLock can provide you with the assurance you need against identity theft.

The LifeLock plan protects you against unsolicited credit offers, assures that credit requests were really requested by you and guarantees their services up to one million dollars!

LifeLock is a company based in Tempe, Arizona. The company was founded in 2005 by professionals with years of experience in the banking and credit industry. LifeLock was the first company of its kind to work with all three major credit bureaus and ChexSystems. ChexSystems is a corporation that regularly deals with misused savings and checking accounts. Although this company is privately held, it is aligned with the National Crime Prevention Council, the Better Business Bureau Reliability Program and Verisign, among others.

In 2006, LifeLock received venture capital from Bessemer Venture Partners, which has been in business since 1911 and has a history of extremely successful business ventures.

What does it do?

LifeLock does more than just monitor your credit applications. It takes a proactive stance to eliminate your names from junk mail lists and pre-approved credit offers. When someone does apply for credit in your name, you will get contacted to ensure that the credit request is valid.

Once you enroll in LifeLock, the three credit bureaus are contacted within the hour. Within 7 days you should receive a confirmation request from the credit bureaus about the lock on your account. Within a month, you should receive a copy of your credit report from all the three major credit agencies so you can know exactly what information is currently stored by them.

Although the lock must be renewed every 90 days, LifeLock will take care of the automated renewal for you.

How much does it cost?

There are two separate plans, one for the individual and one for a business. The individual plan costs $10 per month or a discounted fee of $110 per year. Each adult in the household will pay the same amount, but for families with children under the age of 16 who wish to ensure their child’s identity is not stolen, the price is $25.00 per year with an adult purchase.

The business plan actually involves multiple plans. You can select plans that will protect your employers, your customers, web business interested in ensuring their customers are valid and companies that have already experienced identity theft. Prices are not published on their site, but can be retrieved by contacting the company.

I Dug Up How You Can Protect Your Children From Identity Theft In This LifeLock Review

Not many people realize that the easiest victims of identity theft are actually children since their names are rarely monitored, until they reach the age when they can apply for a loan or a credit card.

If you have children, you should know that credit companies usually have no way of verifying the age of an applicant and all information on the application is usually taken at face value. Thus, it is very easy for identity thieves to pick up the phone or log on to the Internet and apply for a credit card. If a credit issuer requires proof of identification, you should also know that faking identification cards is easy, and many clerks are not trained to recognize a fake ID.

At credit bureau agencies like Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, the age of an applicant is recognized on the first credit application. So, if the application shows that an applicant is 20, then the three agencies will have that in their records, until a dispute is filed.

Just thinking about the weak points in the US credit system will show you the growing need for services like those we address in our LifeLock review. The increasing cases of identity theft all over America are creating the demand for identity theft services. When it comes to your children, you certainly do not want your child's future destroyed even before he can live his own life. It is just too costly.

Our LifeLock Review asserts that LifeLock is the only company in the identity theft protection industry that proactively curbs identity theft. It is also the only company to be ISO 27001 certified for data and operational security.


Upon a client's enrolment in the program, as per LifeLock Review information, fraud alerts will be set in his credit reports with the Credit Bureau Agencies - Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

Our very own LifeLock Review confirms that the company marks the credit reports of children with a special alert: these should have no movement in them because the owner is a minor.

With the alerts in place, credit issuers will be required to call a client before they can approve an application, send out pre-approved cards in the mail, or increase a client's credit limit. The fraud alerts are meant to warn credit issuers that a thief may be using the client's identity and that they must verify the identity.

With the fraud alerts in place, our LifeLock Review attests to the fact that the firm will then review the client's credit reports every 90 days. If there is a fraudulent entry, the company will then mitigate the situation by talking to creditors, filing the paperwork at the credit bureaus, and filing police reports. These are all indicated in our LifeLock Review Blog.

As our LifeLock review confirms, if a client actually loses money to identity thieves while enrolled in the security program, LifeLock guarantees to pay the lost amount, up to $1 million-- which is a distinguishing feature in the industry of identity theft services overall.

You certainly want to secure your children's future before identity thieves have a chance to destroy it - before they even begin to live in the "real world."

Focus On Your Fraud Alerts With This LifeLock Review

Fraud alerts in your credit reports may spell the difference between losing your identity or putting it under lock and key. Consider the following LifeLock review:

As millions in the United States are victimized by identity thieves, it becomes very important for everyone, especially children, to set fraud alerts in their credit reports with the credit bureau agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

But our LifeLock review says fraud alerts are only part of the bigger picture. We reiterate that the fraud alarms would not be enough to stem the onslaught of identity thieves preying on identities at every opportunity. What is needed is a more pro-active approach to curb identity theft.

Thankfully, there is this LifeLock Review which will orient you on the present state of identity theft in the country as well as how to combat it.


Through our LifeLock review, we confirm there are different forms of identity theft. There is criminal identity theft, which occurs when a person uses the information of another person to get a driver's license. There is also identity cloning, which happens when information on people is collected and then sold to the black market.

Identity theft victims usually find out that they have been victimized when they are denied credit, mortgage or loan, or are receiving bills or credit cards they never requested, as pointed out by this LifeLock review.

By taking on a new identity, a criminal is able to commit crime theft because proofs of identification are easy to obtain and it's hard to spot if they are fakes. Clerks of credit issuers are usually not trained to spot fakes. Credit bureau agencies, on the other hand, just happen to record movements in credit reports, unless the fraud alerts are set in. And even then, even with a fraud alert on, a client will have to do all the dirty work of cleaning up his credit report.


LifeLock Review asserts the practicality of getting LifeLock as it is a proactive identity thief protection agency. It knows a lot what to do with the fraud alert in one's credit report, if the alert sounds off.

With a fraud alert on, credit issuers will be required to call a client before approving an application, sending out pre-approved cards in the mail, or increasing the berth in credit limit. The fraud alerts is meant to warn creditors that a thief might be using the client's identity, and thus, the client's identity must be verified.

Just setting the alarm on is enough reason for LifeLock clients to plunk $110 annually for LifeLock dentity theft protecting system and we have regularly stressed this in our LifeLock Review. After setting the alarm, clients typically decrease the number of pre-approved credit cards they get in the mail.

When the fraud alerts are in place, our LifeLock Review can assure LifeLock clients that the company will review a client's credit reports regularly - every 90 days. In case there is a fraudulent entry, LifeLock Review cites the ways by which LifeLock will solve the situation by (a) filing the necessary paperwork at the credit bureaus, (b) talking to creditors, and (c) filing police reports.

However, what makes LifeLock great is its assurance that if a client actually loses money to identity theft while still in under the LifeLock program, the company will pay the loss for up to $1 million.

Our LifeLock review has found the company receiving praises in the media for spreading the news of LifeLock's nearly fool proof anti-identity theft system; and LifeLock was mentioned in over 250 news stories in The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Wired, CBS Early Show and ABC News Now, among others.

LifeLock is a company that has been recognized for being ISO 27001 certified for data and operational security.

What if We Stopped Identity Theft?

What if nobody ever attempted to steal someone else’s identity? What if we could stop computer hacking attacks? What if we did not need shredders because no one ever went dumpster diving?

What if the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation could keep up with those who steal identities? What of there was no such thing as Phishing or Pharming? What if there was no way for a Internet SPAM people to hide?

What if Identity theft was not the fasting growing crime? What if Identity theft security did not cost corporations and business people millions each year; would prices reflect the savings? What if companies were not over burdened by regulations to protect consumers?

What if the Identity Theft criminals had to pay the costs? What if it did not take an average of 30 hours to fix your credit after identity theft? What if each year over 10 million Americans did not have to deal with this?

What if the problem were not growing like the predicted Bird Flu virus pandemic? What if we could do something about identity theft rather than fearing it? What if more people used the Internet to shop because they felt safe with using their credit cards online?

What if it all ended tomorrow and we never had to deal with Identity theft? Oh what if. . . What if We Stopped Identity Theft?

Identity Theft

But identity theft, which credit card companies such as the aforementioned are trying to thwart, is anything but humorous. It’s a crime that ruins people financially, personally and professionally, often taking years to recover from.

And while credit card companies and the like are doing their best to make it difficult for these thieves to succeed, the Federal Trade Commission’s 2005 statistics on complaints filed about fraud and identity theft offer some sobering statistics:

• 37 percent of the 686,683 complaints filed were for identity theft
• 255,565 complaints were received by the Federal Trade Commission in 2005, nearly 10,000 more than the previous year
• People between the ages of 18 and 29 account for the highest number of identity theft victims (29 percent)
• Arizona reported the highest number of identity theft victims (per 100,000 population)
• 58 percent of identity theft victims did not report the theft to a Credit Reporting Agency
• 61 percent of victims did not notify a police department
• The highest incidence of identity theft occurred with credit card fraud (26 percent)

Clearly, identity theft remains a huge problem in America. However, with the help of the electronic guide, you can learn how to avoid pitfalls that lead to identity theft, or, if you’re a victim, how to get your finances back in order.

With the electronic guide, you’ll learn exactly what identity theft is and what it is not, why identity thieves prowl after unsuspecting victims, how to detect identity theft early, ways in which to avoid common mistakes that lead to identity theft, what kinds of people are at “high-risk” for identity theft, what to do with your personal information when dealing with people you don’t know, how identity thieves choose their victims and much, much more!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Lifelock -- Is it for you ?

Lifelock ,is a identity theft protection program to secure your identity.
I'll review its program and benefits in this site.
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