Thursday, September 6, 2007

Focus On Your Fraud Alerts With This LifeLock Review

Fraud alerts in your credit reports may spell the difference between losing your identity or putting it under lock and key. Consider the following LifeLock review:

As millions in the United States are victimized by identity thieves, it becomes very important for everyone, especially children, to set fraud alerts in their credit reports with the credit bureau agencies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

But our LifeLock review says fraud alerts are only part of the bigger picture. We reiterate that the fraud alarms would not be enough to stem the onslaught of identity thieves preying on identities at every opportunity. What is needed is a more pro-active approach to curb identity theft.

Thankfully, there is this LifeLock Review which will orient you on the present state of identity theft in the country as well as how to combat it.


Through our LifeLock review, we confirm there are different forms of identity theft. There is criminal identity theft, which occurs when a person uses the information of another person to get a driver's license. There is also identity cloning, which happens when information on people is collected and then sold to the black market.

Identity theft victims usually find out that they have been victimized when they are denied credit, mortgage or loan, or are receiving bills or credit cards they never requested, as pointed out by this LifeLock review.

By taking on a new identity, a criminal is able to commit crime theft because proofs of identification are easy to obtain and it's hard to spot if they are fakes. Clerks of credit issuers are usually not trained to spot fakes. Credit bureau agencies, on the other hand, just happen to record movements in credit reports, unless the fraud alerts are set in. And even then, even with a fraud alert on, a client will have to do all the dirty work of cleaning up his credit report.


LifeLock Review asserts the practicality of getting LifeLock as it is a proactive identity thief protection agency. It knows a lot what to do with the fraud alert in one's credit report, if the alert sounds off.

With a fraud alert on, credit issuers will be required to call a client before approving an application, sending out pre-approved cards in the mail, or increasing the berth in credit limit. The fraud alerts is meant to warn creditors that a thief might be using the client's identity, and thus, the client's identity must be verified.

Just setting the alarm on is enough reason for LifeLock clients to plunk $110 annually for LifeLock dentity theft protecting system and we have regularly stressed this in our LifeLock Review. After setting the alarm, clients typically decrease the number of pre-approved credit cards they get in the mail.

When the fraud alerts are in place, our LifeLock Review can assure LifeLock clients that the company will review a client's credit reports regularly - every 90 days. In case there is a fraudulent entry, LifeLock Review cites the ways by which LifeLock will solve the situation by (a) filing the necessary paperwork at the credit bureaus, (b) talking to creditors, and (c) filing police reports.

However, what makes LifeLock great is its assurance that if a client actually loses money to identity theft while still in under the LifeLock program, the company will pay the loss for up to $1 million.

Our LifeLock review has found the company receiving praises in the media for spreading the news of LifeLock's nearly fool proof anti-identity theft system; and LifeLock was mentioned in over 250 news stories in The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Wired, CBS Early Show and ABC News Now, among others.

LifeLock is a company that has been recognized for being ISO 27001 certified for data and operational security.

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