Thursday, September 6, 2007

What if We Stopped Identity Theft?

What if nobody ever attempted to steal someone else’s identity? What if we could stop computer hacking attacks? What if we did not need shredders because no one ever went dumpster diving?

What if the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation could keep up with those who steal identities? What of there was no such thing as Phishing or Pharming? What if there was no way for a Internet SPAM people to hide?

What if Identity theft was not the fasting growing crime? What if Identity theft security did not cost corporations and business people millions each year; would prices reflect the savings? What if companies were not over burdened by regulations to protect consumers?

What if the Identity Theft criminals had to pay the costs? What if it did not take an average of 30 hours to fix your credit after identity theft? What if each year over 10 million Americans did not have to deal with this?

What if the problem were not growing like the predicted Bird Flu virus pandemic? What if we could do something about identity theft rather than fearing it? What if more people used the Internet to shop because they felt safe with using their credit cards online?

What if it all ended tomorrow and we never had to deal with Identity theft? Oh what if. . . What if We Stopped Identity Theft?

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